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February 2004
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Super photos posted on Rusted Sister's gallery page by Rick "Rockin on the Porch".
Thanks Rusted Sister and Rick "Rockin on the Porch"! And while you're visiting, you might want to check out the Be The Rain thread. Some passionate discussion on Mother Earth's environment.
The Greendale 2004 concert tour had its first show last night in Vancouver. The setlist contained the standard Greendale song list but a considerably different encore set. Here's the setlist thanks to Sugar Mountain and Bad News Beat.
02-19-2004, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada One of the biggest surprises is "The Old Country Waltz". According to Matt's wonderful Numbers On The Site "The Old Country Waltz" has only been performed 3 times in concert: on 03/19/96 and 03/20/96 at Old Princeton Landing, Princeton-By-The-Sea, CA and again on 07/25/97 at Aitken University Centre, London. Also, check out the song single/twins/triplets. Very interesting, Matt.
Let's see what other gems Neil pulls out in the encores! For more, see Vancouver concert review.
Thanks again Tom at Sugar Mountain and BNB. Stay update to date with the Greendale 2004 concerts page and Baron Rouge's Winter/Spring Tour 2004 page.
From Rusted Sister's excellent photo gallery, lots of great shots from the Greendale film society screening at the Walter Reade Theatre in New York City on February 13 and the pre & post show fests.
Here are a couple of shots by Rusted Sister & Dr. OffTwins showing Neil trying to suppress the standing ovation, Neil taking a question and Rusted Sister dancing with the devil. Nice hat, Bernard!
Also, check out Dave Zimmer's account of the event on Rust, cross posted from Lee-shore. A hilarious account of a fan regaling Neil with stories of his children's conceptions to various Neil songs and concluding with the complement that "Neil is better than Viagra"!?!
You really gotta love these folks! ;) Thanks Rusted Sister and Dr. OffTwins!
And from Pete C and BNB comes word that the MP3s of the Q&A are available for
download. Topics include:
From New York Press an incredibly perceptive review titled "Good Folk: An edifying tour through Neil Young’s country – and Ours" by critic Armond White:
In Greendale, Young locates the unofficial territory where his outrage and his hope are not so strange. His defiantly unfashionable position gives voice to those Americans who lately feel completely unenfranchised–enraged by al Qaeda and Tom Ridge and isolated from Fox Cable News as well as the Nation. That this community has rarely been seen on the screen in our so-called indie era is a sobering realization. But it gives the Greendale movie surprising charm.
The hominess of Greendale should be less troubling than Are You Passionate?. Its assessment of how folk-art expression (pop music, home movies) compliments our political and spiritual ideas and amounts to a revelation. Not many contemporary artists have responded to the post-9/11 question of how to make relevant art. Young proposes an answer by emulating the simplicity of folk art: the forcefulness of style, technique, purpose that can be felt in every version of Greendale. Two authentic moments stand out.
On "Sun Green," Young sings, "No one could explain it/It just got great reviews." That sizes up the current tendency to praise superficial product regardless of its content or intention. Young critiques the political acquiescence that has infected every aspect of popular culture, replacing actual thinking, ever since the late-80s triumph of capitalism (what some people like to call the fall of communism). And the glorious "Grandpa’s Interview" offers a daring bromide: "It ain’t an honor to be on tv/And it ain’t a duty either"–blessed curmudgeonliness.
Greendale’s a modest movie, but it’s also heroic." Read Armond White's entire review and more Greendale Film reviews.
Well big news here at Thrasher's Wheat. The "Release On The Beach Petition Site" is being rehosted here on Thrasher's Wheat. You may recall the site was setup to petition for the release of On The Beach on CD. And in 2003, OTB finally came out on CD. Recently, Colin, who spearheaded the campaign, contacted Thrasher's Wheat about rehosting the site.
So in the spirit of archiving the best of Neil Young on the web, here are the original pages of the Release On The Beach site. It's Thrasher's Page of the Moment. Thanks Colin!
A great interview link posted on rust by Sixty 2 Zero of an interview with Neil discussing the Greendale movie with the legendary Jim Ladd on KLOS FM, Los Angeles. Thanks Blake!
Neil Young will be present for intro and Q & A for the Feb 13th screening of Greendale at the Lincoln Center Film Society in New York City, NY. More on the making of Greendale and film screening dates and locations, and Greendale Reviews.
See January 2004 news for more on Neil Young's Greendale Concert Tour.
News Archives - Old Fresh Wheat
Thrasher's Blog - The Music That Neil Young Influenced Suggestions Welcome!
Fresh Wheat - 2/20/2004
Greendale 2004 Concert Tour Kicks off in Vancouver
Neil Young and Crazy Horse
1. Falling From Above
2. Double E
3. Devil's Sidewalk
4. Leave The Driving
5. Carmichael
6. Bandit
7. Grandpa's Interview
8. Bringin' Down Dinner
9. Sun Green
10. Be The Rain
11. All Along The Watchtower
12. Don't Cry No Tears
13. The Losing End
14. The Old Country Waltz
15. Love and Only Love
16. Prisoners of Rock 'n' Roll
17. Hey Hey, My My
18. Roll Another Number
19. Rockin' In The Free World
Fresh Wheat - 2/16/2004
Photo by Dr. OffTwins
Photo by Rusted Sister
Photo by Dr. OffTwins
Greendale Questions and Answers at the Lincoln Center
Why Greendale?
What is the Socio-Political Message?
Does Digital Still Suck?
Your other records could have been movies too...
Trapper asks about Lenore
Any political pressure?
Greendale Review
"Whatever version of Greendale you encounter, it earns a place alongside the more ambitious expressions of small town living: Winesburg, Ohio; Our Town; even Altman’s Popeye. It’s both recognizable and idiosyncratic through Young’s scrutiny of our most mundane habits and setting them to music that kicks in even when the imagery perplexes. Greendale presents contemporary American crisis as seen through the characters of a white farming community.
Fresh Wheat - 2/15/2004
Release On The Beach Petition Site Rehosted
Neil Young Interview MP3
Fresh Wheat - 2/3/2004
Neil to do Greendale Q & A in New York City
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